Welcome to Poems about Video games Poems about Video Games: 2010


Where Games meet literature

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Team Fortress 2

Valve makes Team Fortress 2.
On a map called 2fort there's a random "moo".
The pc version is better than the xbox.
But at least it is better than throwing rocks.
The scout ha a hard baseball bat.
The heavy is really fat.
The demoman is from the island scotland.
The scout has a weapon call the man of sand.
The medic is tall and german.
If you cheat on the game Valve will ban.
The game has bad graphics.
Out of three the game gets a six.
On Tf2 you can create your own hats.
There is even one that looks like a rabit and a rat.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Halo Reach

A really fun game is halo reach.
You can have battles on the beach.
A fun game type is capture the flag.
Even though it has alot of lag.
A really fun map is Spire.
It kind of looks like the inside of a tire.
You can use credits to buy armor.
So you can look great when you head into war.\
Halo Reach is a must get.
If you don't you may pitch a fit.
-Noel Battle

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 is kinda new.
Their sales are more than a few.
You can play on maps like Favela or Rust.
What ever map you play this game is a must.
There are guns like the M16.
With bullets that are never seen.
When launching a grenade launcher you may seem rude.
Expect to be called a nube tube.
Make sure you get Mw2.
Or esle to this day you'll rue.
-Noel Battle